Retrofitting a machine is usually done for a specific purpose. To improve quality or increase output. Because the machine has become unreliable or unsafe. But just because they only focus on that one challenge, many companies miss out on other opportunities. Because a retrofit is the perfect opportunity to make your machine ready for the future.

Retrofitting a machine is a big step. It is typically preceded by a lot of pre engineering and thinking. In order to estimate the costs. To find a reliable partner who will take care of everything. To draw up a plan of how you are going to deal with the downtime of that retrofitted machine.

That is why it is important that you get the most out of that moment.

It starts with looking at your machine from every possible angle. Software and mechanics. Electrically and digitally. From the point of view of urgent interventions and spare management.

Seize every possible opportunity

Maybe machine safety is a big issue. Fine, but then look beyond just installing new mechanical fencing. How is your machine able to generated important data? Because the need to capture data and make it available is getting bigger and bigger. For example, to get a more accurate picture of the output. How long is the average downtime per week, month… . Or to take the step to predictive maintenance.

By having the right sensors installed immediately during the retrofit, you take a serious step forward for a relatively small investment.

Or perhaps it is a purely mechanical retrofit. Well, also take a closer look at the control system. What happens if the machine crashes? Is it immediately clear to your operators where the problem lies or do you spend a lot of time troubleshooting?

Also here, you can make a serious profit with just a few interventions.

Retrofitting a machine is like renovating a house…

Compare it to the renovation of a house. If you want a new floor, you have to take the old one out. But that’s also an opportunity to install insulation. Or to renew the piping. To install underfloor heating. Because you’re not going to break out the new floor after five years, are you?

With a machine it’s just the same. Not only tackle the acute problems, but also see how you can take steps forward in other areas. You don’t necessarily have to go all the way.

Safety, mechanics and digitalisation: is your supplier up to par?

It is important that you also have a partner who can give you that broader perspective. An integrator  who only is competent in software is not going to cover this multi expertise approach.

That is why, we as a machine builder, we join forces with safety specialist Pilz and digitization expert Reditech. We do this under the name Fourward. One point of contact and three experts to transform your obsolete machines into a production infrastructure that is ready for the future.

Do you want to get the most out of the retrofit of your machine? Please contact us.